Super easy! And I actually made this one up on my own, hubs and brother in law loved it. And of course I loved it, what food don't i love?? I'm a big fat girl at heart.... confession.
-6 oranges
-1 small can diced pineapple
-1 can mandarian oranges
-1 can diced peaches
-1/2 of a sweet vadalia onion
-1/2 of a tomatoe
-1 to 2 tablespoon minced garlic
-Salt to taste
Dice and de-seed oranges and put in mixing bow. Drain and pour in all canned items. Add onion, tomato and garlic (i buy the pre-minced, saves me so much time and I use it in EVERYTHING, poor husband, my breath must be horrible ha!). Mix well. Salt to taste. Allow to chill and serve with tortilla chips.
I had a bunch of oranges about to go back and wanted to make sure I used them, being the thrifting money saving mom that I am :) Turned out fab and is now officially my new fav salsa!

What are your favorite kinds of salsa?? Feel free to share recipes!
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